There have been times when we haven't known where she was or if she was safe. She's spent nights on the street, bummed a ride to Sacramento and lived there homeless for a few weeks, and has spent much of the last 4 years behind bars. She's run amuck and been out of control. Often we were grateful she was in jail because at least we knew she was safe and was getting three squares a day.
Through all this, we've been incredibly blessed. Our Father has heard our petitions and has blessed us and her. I know she was often protected from herself and others. Cristie and I have learned patience, unconditional love, total reliance on our Heavenly Father, and perhaps most of all, our faith has grown.
Currently, Laurel is in the best situation she's been in years. She shares a very nice apartment with two other disabled women. She is expected to show up at a job doing yard work every day (if you know Laurel, you know "work" might be stretching it). She has aides at her side and in her apartment 24/7 keeping an eye on her. If she were to take off or participate in any illegal activity they would immediately call the police and she would be tracked down and sent back to jail. Right now, she ranges from being very happy to being frustrated and "stressed" but that's Laurel.
I post all this to thank you. Thank you for your prayers, your kindness and generosity, for witholding judgment, for being her cheerleaders, and for being in this with us. Your support and love has lifted us in the dark times and strengthened us in the weak times. Laurel indeed is a treasure and a blessing to us. Most of all, we glory in the Lord. His capacity to love all of us is boundless. He sees all and knows all. His is the Great Plan of Happiness.