Monday, October 06, 2003

The perfect period on a conference weekend for me was "Our Town", by Thornton Wilder on PBS last night. Cristie and I, Sam, Dave, and Lizzie watched it together (Ed and Valerie watched a little, and Joe was in and out).

It's one of my favorite American plays, familiar to me from my college days. Paul Newman did an excellent job as Stage Manager, and the other actors were equally up to the task.

Dave said he thought it was a little strange, but he stuck with it. And when I asked him about it today, he admitted he has thought about it several times, which for me is an indication it made some kind of an impression.

Because of the play, I have lived today more completely and fully than most. My day was nothing special; the usual phone calls (four hour teleconference), e-mail, etc., but I took notice of some of the little things. The beautiful color in the mountains, the crisp, cool morning, and the friendly afternoon. I actually really looked at a few faces of both strangers and those I love. I listened and felt more than I usually feel. And I plan on doing more of the same tomorrow.

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