Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nephi (second from left). My hero. Always doing the right thing, yet he was mortal and subject to the weaknesses of the flesh ("O wretched man that I am!"). I'm loving studying his life again this year.

I've wondered this past week why Nephi was great. Was it his leadership ability? His physical strength? Intellect? Faith? All were contributors and parts of his character but I believe Nephi was great because he desired to please the Lord by obeying him. He had "great desires to know the mysteries of God", which was simply a desire to know Him.

Cristie learned in her religion class that because Lehi was a man of means, he could afford to have Nephi educated so he could write the spiritual history of his people. Thus, Nephi was well prepared by the Lord for the work he would be asked to perform. What is the Lord preparing you for? Often it's only when we look back through our experiences that we see how He has carefully tutored us for what lies ahead.


  1. I think that's also the difference between him and his brothers L&L, who had the same upbringing, even visions of angels and miracles. But Nephi desired to know for himself and was willing to be obedient in order to understand the Father's will for him.

    He is one of my favorites, too.

    This is making me think I should take a religion class...
