Monday, August 09, 2004


Dear Family:

Mom, thank you so much for the packages you keep sending me. I love getting those surprises! Those grapefruit candies are especially delicious!

I'm skipping gym right now so I can write. Would you please tell Melissa for me that I am thankful for the letters she writes. I feel bad that I can't write her back, but I really do not have the time.

I really like my black suit; it's holding up just fine. There are three words that accurately describe the quality and condition of my green suit! PIECE OF CRAP!! Both pairs of pants are ripped! Already!! It's ridiculous! So, I took 'em into the place to get sewed.

I can't believe I'm outta here on Wednesday. Oh, I'll be calling from Chicago at...around 1:30 p.m. If you talk to Kate, tell her I'll be there. I write her, but I don't know if she got it.

Joe sounds like he's having a fun summer. Did he take my paintball gun?? He better not have. If you could Mom, please keep him outta that box. Now that I don't have music, I realized how much I love it. So I want it to be there when I get home. OK?

Thank you for sending the pictures. It was funny, when I opened my package,(he names a bunch of Elders) their eyes caught hold of Alison, and Elder Stucky said, "Dang! who is that?" in all seriousness. He really wanted to know!

"That's my sister," I said blandly.

"How old is she?" He said. By this time he and Elder Roberts are transfixed with the picture. Really, I'm not exaggerating.

"She's about twenty-five I think, and her family of four happens to be in the picture."

No more questions after that! Ali should be complimented. I think it's saying something when a bunch of 19 year old kids are curiously asking questions and saying the word, "Dang!"

Mindy's cinnamon rolls weren't so good. But don't tell her that! I told her I loved im'. I enjoyed the nice little letter she wrote a lot more. We'll put it that way. Talk about a surprise! I wouldn't have expected a letter from her in a million years! Anyway.

It's weird. I wanna cut my hair for the first time ever in my whole life. I want a hair cut! I never thought that would happen.

I guess you could say I'm a little burned out in the classrom. I know, I know, it's the first two weeks of a two year deal, but the only break I get from the classroom is to eat. So it's getting old. I'm excited to be heading out.

(He goes on to name guys in a photo he sent and say where they are from.)

I'll tell you what, I think I am guaranteed to end up with Romeo as my comp after a year out there. It's destiny, I know it. I'm really gonna have to bite my tongue to keep from arguing with that goof. I'll send a pic of him too. Really, he's more opinionated than I am, so we're bound to argue constantly. He's from Texas. It was funny, they say that the spirit world after death is here on earth, and we were disscussing it in class one day, and someone said, " I wonder where spirit prison is," and I said the first thing that came to mind. Texas. They all loved it, but Romeo. We are constantly arguing about states. I could write all day about it, so I'll just have to stop now.

Well, I love you all and hope all is well.


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