Friday, December 24, 2004

Well it's Christmas Eve, and I have about 1,496 things to do to get ready. So what do I do? I start fishing around the Blogger site, looking at what other people have to say...

Actually, I'm here becasue I just spent 45 minutes plunging my kitchen sink. It's maddening I tell you. Plunge one side, the other side fills up. Plunge the other side and my dishwasher fills up. Liquid Plummer foam everywhere. Finally I got Sam to come over and plunge one side while I plugged the other side (and just immediately after draining the dishwasher). It seems to have worked. For now, anyway. I'm sure the extensive damage will reveal itself sometime next week. So Lois, no Bratzeli's this year. I'm too pooped.

After that fiasco, I decided to make myself a snack. Cristie's raw diet has rubbed off on me a little and I've been trying to consume more fruits and veggies. I bought a persimmon at the store. They are YUMMY, but I harldy buy them because their about the size of a tomato and can cost 1-2 $ a piece. This was acutally my second time eating one. So I sliced it, put it on a plate and took a bite. The most amazing thing happened to me! As I was chewing, My mouth filled up with cotton! The more I chewed, the more cotton I had in my mouth! The sensation was so real to me, that I ran to the mirror to see what was happening. After receiving no occular validation, I ran downstairs to google in order to find out if I've just poisened myself. (Note, I continued to consume yet another piece as I searched. I really like this fruit! And the cotton feeling was very fascinating to me.)

Here's what I now know, in case any of you should want to buy persimmon fruit. They originated in Japan (that's not the problem), and then they "migrated" to Korea, and eventually came to the US in the 1800s. There are quite a number of varieties, but can be grouped into 2 groups; the astringent group and the non-astringent group. If the fruit is of the astringent class and is eaten before it is ripe, then your mouth becomes a cotton factory. The fruit tastes okay initially, but then becomes bitter. It's kind of a cool feeling though...

ANYWAY, once I knew I wasn't going to have to spend Christmas in the ER, I started snooping through The Blogger. I found this funny site you should all check out. This Michael Paulus guy took various cartoons and drew their skeletons. It's pretty funny! Here's the link: (hopefully it will work)

Well, enough sitting around for me! Happy Christmas everyone!

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