Monday, November 24, 2003

As I read through the blog to catch up with everyone, I noticed a good deal of sickness making the rounds. As hard as I tried, I could not pass up the opportunity to complain about a cold that has become my constant companion. I have been sick since September 24th. That makes two honest months of watery mucus, and multi-textured phlegm. During this time, I have missed over two full days of work, and several other meetings and activities. This can all be officially verified in my planner. I conscientiously marked the 24th of September as being the first day of sickness.

Though the symptoms have waxed and waned over this period, sympathy on the home front lasted roughly forty-eight hours. That is a generous estimate, because I am allowing for the possibility of sympathetic sleep. To be fair, this is two full days of tender care Melissa didn't get after she ate Uncle Harry's sweet potatoes last year at Thanksgiving. When I should have been helping her out, I was busy making Uncle Harry jokes and rejoicing in my own health and vigor. I became a true believer in karma, because I was immediately slammed with the nastiest, most violent bug I had ever caught. It was a defining moment in my history of illness, and I knew up front that no care could be expected, and little would be given. That particular flu gave Melissa the uncommon luxury of instant revenge, and it cleared Uncle Harry's good name as well.

I hope everyone has a healthy and enjoyable Thanksgiving this Thursday. If you are traveling, drive safely, and avoid any eggnog that smells funny.

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