Friday, May 23, 2003

It seems that we have some regular bloggers in the family! I'm glad that some of you are keeping up with it, I sure have enjoyed reading your entries from time to time.

Well, most of you boys left for the Green just this morning, and I'm already lonesome for my Sammy. I hope that the fishin' is good and the days are beautiful for you! I can just see all- the sound of the rushing water, the trees, the curve of the line going back and forth in the sun. The hoots and hollers of excitement and screams of frustration.

I've noticed that some of you have been using the "F" word in your entries--(Food storage). It's a subject that I wince at because the task seems so daunting, for some reason. But I appreciate the link Danny, and I really like the idea of starting out small and working up to a full year of storage. I think that will have to be the way we do it in our family.

Jerry, I really admire your efforts to be a better missionary. I am so afraid of stepping on someone's toes or damaging relationships that I often neglect opportunities to share my testimony. But the truth is, living the gospel and trying to be like our Savior is what has brought the greatest joy in my life. To NOT share what I have learned and know (especially when prompted by the spirit) is selfish, and reveals my lack of faith in others' ability to receive a witness of gospel truths. Since General Conference and Women's Conference, I have felt that I need to make a concerted effort to listen to, and make sure my actions are worthy of, the presence of the Holy Ghost. And most importantly - to have the courage and faith to follow those spiritual promptings. I appreciate your entry, because I have wandered back into my lazy ways, and was beginning to forget those things that had impressed me most in the last month.

Enough rambling, I should go to bed. Happy Blogging!

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