Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Happy Birthday Dave! Hope it was a good one. How is your hair looking these days? Did you manage to keep it long for the pictures?

I forgot that we had planned a Cherry Hill trip tonight, so that's what our little family did. We saw Rachael there, as bronzed and cute as can be. We also ran into my sister Rikki (and family), so you can imagine how delighted Eddie was to have Bronson to play with.

I saw a woman with triplets. At Cherry Hill. They weren't more than 9 months old. She had a stroller for 4 (didn't even know that made 'em that big)!!! Now that is a mother dedicated to family fun. Goes to show, just when you think you have it tough, someone or something suddenly appears and sets you straight.

Hope all is well. I sure love reading the blogs. Keep it up y'all! (Valerie, you're getting me hooked on that word!)

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